
Doug’s wife has been in the beauty industry for decades and for the past decade she has owned her own company (TLLC Beauty Brands) https://www.google.com/search?q=tllc+beauty+brands&rlz=1C1EKKP_enUS812US838&oq=TLLC+Beauty&aqs=chrome.0.0j69i57.5246j0j7&sourceid=chrome&ie=UTF-8  specializing in the distribution for brands wanting to go global.

Doug’s role has been as a critic or sounding board, testing and vetting the products which arrive weekly. He helps curate, narrow down and ultimately decide on which brands are selected to represent. Doug is comfortable with his maleness and reviews and assesses products from a unique male perspective and with humor as he applies the experience gained over many  years of assessing hundreds of products.

His career is commercial aircraft leasing and therefore he has traveled the world.  He is a significant contributor to Trip Advisor and has garnered 225,000 readers while developing his writing skills and critical eye.

Live from Venice Beach

The blog will cover hair care (coloring, straightening, primers, leave-ins, shampooing, conditioning, etc.) skin care (moisturizing, age reducing, maintenance, cover up, cleansing, tanning, exfoliating, sun block, Korea skin brands, you name it) tools (hair dryers, brushes and to a lesser extent flat irons and such), spa related items (facial masks, mani/pedi stuff) all designed to keep you looking your youngest and keep you from throwing your money away.

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