New and very exciting products are heading to market for both skin care (the topic of this edition of Boomer Beauty) and hair restoration (which will be the subject of a future post). These particular products contain proteins derived from the stem cells of the umbilical cord lining of the red deer native to New Zealand. Umbilical cord stem cells are called “neo-natal” and can help replace those which humans lose over time. The aha moment came when Cell Research Corporation, the parent company of Calecim Professional, discovered that this source of protein, which does zero harm to the animal, had the same effect as other stem cell sources, while being non-controversial. In addition, the cord source produces proteins in their purest and therefore most potent form.
I am an observer and not a scientist, so I cannot explain the science behind these products better than the manufacturer. This link provided much greater detail.
The most ethical source of stem cells which happens to be the most abu – Calecim Professional
The company was founded in 2002 in Singapore and in 2004, their laboratory discovered that the properties of these proteins had unmatched healing powers in various post-surgery applications and with scarring. This made the brand, developed by scientists, move seamlessly into the medical field, as it was obvious, based on before and after photos, that it was effective.
OK, that’s all great, now show me some products and their uses!
Calecim has become well known for skin regeneration (they have been granted and hold numerous patents) but until recently their products were relegated only to medical and med spa channels. Calecim Professional is currently launching via additional channels and globally.
Their skin care falls into several categories; cleanse and tone, correct/multi action and restore/hydrate. My favorite is their fragrance-free Professional Pigment Solution. I’ve been using it for several months now and I’ve seen my worst sunspots lighten, and my less severe dark spots have disappeared to the point where I no longer need to conceal them before a big night out.
Why fragrance-free? Purity, especially in the case of these products, is important. Calecim is all about performance. Fragrance dilutes the purity and therefore the effectiveness of the product.
Here’s how I use the products. My face, like those of most people, has obviously been impacted by the sun to a greater extent on my upper face. Although I’ve worn sunglasses my whole life, I was unaware that some sunglasses reflect the sun and/or concentrate it and sunglasses themselves can cause damage. I use the Professional Pigment Solution for hyperpigmentation and use the Restorative Hydration Cream on my lower face and neck, where there is less damage and where the product targets laxity and facial contours/wrinkles. All of these skin creams are particularly useful after any med spa procedure to speed healing, which was their original use case.
If you plan on being in the sun, a sun block can be applied after the Calecim dries for a few minutes. The packaging is high-end acrylic with well thought out closures and, in some cases, retracting pumps.
I love these products and they are about to explode onto the scene!